Kate and Mitchell of McKinney Transform, Losing a Combined 75 Pounds
*Note: Your results may vary, depending on the both the level of your compliance with our program and strategies, and the speed at which your unique body responds.
Tell us about yourselves
MITCHELL: My name is Mitchell McAnally. I currently live in McKinney, Texas and I work for a civil engineering firm. Married to Kate; we have two beautiful daughters.
KATE: Haley who is 3 and Kennedy who is 10 months and I’m an accountant.
Why were you looking for help?
MITCHELL: My name is Mitchell McAnally. I currently live in McKinney, Texas and I work for a civil engineering firm. Married to Kate; we have two beautiful daughters.
KATE: Haley who is 3 and Kennedy who is 10 months and I’m an accountant.
What did you discover?
MITCHELL: I guess it was frustrating because every solution was to here take this medicine, take this. It wasn’t thinking hey let’s – it’s clear it isn’t working, the medicine. I’m like why aren’t we figuring out a different solution. That’s kinda what really drove us to oh there has to be a natural way to do this.
KATE: And so I knew that I needed to make a change and the option was to go through multiple doctors’ appointments with no real answer or to change my diet because I knew that how I ate had a big impact.
How were we different?
MITCHELL: Realizing every now and then, you were able to pick up – the good thing with what Brooke was doing is she wasn’t like putting you down like her saying you did something bad, it was, “Hey! Next time, this might be a better option;” giving you realistic options. I mean I’ve been through programs where the option is, “Go eat kale.” I mean who likes kale? Like no one actively pursues kale so – except for Brooke. It’s just one of those things. She understood us. She understood like where we’re coming from.
Tell us about your results
MITCHELL: Over 40 pounds within this eight-month timeframe. Of course physique-wise, like I never realized I had abs until…
KATE: They look good.
MITCHELL: Yeah. So Kate’s been approved.
KATE: I’ll tell you.
KATE: I was a size 12 and I am now a size 4 which I not – never thought that I would ever see that ever. I have lost almost 35 pounds, 14% body fat reduction and I used to be kind of a medium, large on shirts and now I’m like a small or an extra small.
How has life changed?
MITCHELL: I went from wearing 38, 40 inch waist jeans down to now I’m wearing 32, 33 now within that timeframe. And the unfortunate part of that, I’ve bought new pants three times. But even with performance-wise, I had to train a 5K this past weekend and I’ll tell you I see the results. I went from running basically I think it was 10-minute miles to I ran 6:59-minute miles.
KATE: Having two full-time jobs and a three-year old and a brand new baby and sleeping inconsistent, it – I would say like eating healthy has been our saving grace. I’ve seen the changes in my family and in my kids. Like my kids eat incredibly healthy. It actually was a very big pride point when her teacher during a Parent Teacher Conference told me, she goes, “Haley has the best lunches.” I was like, “Yes!”
What would you say to others?
KATE: For me personally, it was one thing I considered. The amount of money I was gonna spend on medical bills far outweighed the cost of the program. What you get out of it is a lifelong change. It will impact your future for several years.
MITCHELL: Everyone saw where I came from and I have plenty of bad photos of myself now that I look back and, “Man how did I – why did you ever let me be that way?” But I think the key is just I mean just talking to anyone is to have an open heart and an open mind about it. For us, it was praying about it. You go in realizing it’s not gonna be instant. It’s gonna take you time, it’s gonna take you effort. I think a lot of times, especially in this day and age, everybody wants that instant gratification of, “Hey! Why haven’t I lost 10 pounds in two weeks?” You see the commercial all the time and you realize how ridiculous that claim is now. And you could see what you can do; something so simple.
KATE: Take care of yourself and make priorities and trade-offs for your health. Enjoy the cookie; don’t enjoy 10 of them or 15. It can happen.