About Elect Wellness
Our Vision
Global improvement in quality of life through natural health and fitness
Our Mission
Our Motto

Our Culture
Truth in all communication, and practicing what is preached
Self-control with thought, word, time, and action
For clients, colleagues, vision, mission, motto, and values
Seeking to understand before seeking to be understood
Clear communication and consistency in coaching
100% effort in every endeavor
Pure love for helping others help themselves
Always learning and always teaching
Never giving in, and never giving up
Assuming responsibility for outcomes
Using experience to properly apply knowledge
Reaching for perfection in everything we do
And ...
Acceptance of only that which is effective

Our Cause
While attending a Success Dallas networking group meeting, I had the pleasure of meeting a man involved in some amazing philanthropic work in Africa. They were taking care of abused, hungry, and abandoned children. In addition to basic needs, they were building development centers and schools to provide education and opportunity, so that the children’s futures could look vastly different from their present situations.
As I learned more, it became clear that we needed to help. Since our decision to get involved, we have found that we are the true beneficiary. It’s become an absolute blessing to see what’s happening over there, and a joy to know that we helped them. Let me rephrase that – YOU have helped them, and simply by helping yourself.
In our Pound for Pound program, for every single pound an overweight adult loses with us, we will provide a pound of food to an underweight child.
“It’s an interesting mix of problems we face in America: many of us are dying from eating too much, while others are dying from not eating enough. Why not work on both at the same time?”
– Thomas Jensen, Founder

Since the inception of our Pound for Pound program, Elect Wellness has donated over 3,500 pounds of food to Stand By Me (formerly known as Open Arms International), operating in Africa, feeding and housing orphaned children. We can’t wait to see how much more impact our clients can have, as we expand our service areas and the number of people we can help here in the States. Now … improving the quality of life for our clients here America … also results in an improved quality of life for people half-way around the world!

Jamie Jensen, co-owner of Elect Wellness, weighing food for donation to the hungry, orphaned children of Kenya … through Stand By Me.
Our Story
In 1995, Thomas C. Jensen began a serious investigation into how the human body responds to food, exercise, and supplementation. He became obsessed with the way in which it becomes stronger and healthier when exposed to certain practices and conditions. His motivation for obtaining this knowledge may not have been lofty at the time, but it was passionate, pure, and well-publicized: he told everyone he was going to become a better basketball player and be able to jump high enough to dunk the following year. Many told the barely 5’11” high school freshman that he may become better, but dunking the basketball was too ambitious of a dream for him to become reality. They reminded him that although a good handful of “short” basketball players could dunk, they were born with an inexplicable talent for leaping.

The unbelief of others only seemed to fuel the fire that was already lit inside. Thomas discovered and subscribed to a regular newsletter from a biochemist that explained how the nutrients in certain foods could make muscles stronger and able to respond faster. He learned the principles of progressive overload and adaptation. He uncovered the secrets of neuromuscular coordination, and the importance of functional balance and flexibility. He became obsessed, eating a diet packed with the ingredients for muscle, and faithfully following a resistance training for explosive power.

The science-based recipe worked. Thomas went from 150 pounds of skin and bone to 175 pounds of explosive power and quickness, in just 9 months. He was 20 pounds heavier than when he started the program, but his body fat % had dropped to the single digit range, and the improved power-to-weight ratio added 7 inches of height to his vertical jump. He could indeed now dunk the ball, and his transformed playing ability won him the year’s most improved player award. A variety of all-tournament selections and a 42 point single-game performance would follow.
Though basketball was a blast, it wasn’t long before Thomas realized how many other people could significantly benefit from implementing principles he had learned. With the ability of proper diet and exercise to lower blood pressure, improve cholesterol, ease arthritis, diminish diabetes, cure obesity, and treat and prevent a host of other diseases and problems, Thomas realized the positive impact he could have on people. In 1999, he decided how he would spend his years…
He would spend his life devoted to leading people to live healthier, use natural healing, and choose wellness instead of illness. In 2003, He graduated summa cum laude from Harding University with a B.S. in Exercise Science, and membership in the Alpha Chi National Honor Society. He quickly joined the National Strength and Conditioning Association and earned their Certified Personal Trainer credentials.
In early 2004, he launched T.C. Jensen Personal Training and started delivering professional workouts to in-home clients. But people needed more than workouts. They needed planning, programming, help with their nutrition, and supplementation counseling. A service and name change was in order. The business became Jensen Fitness Management, offering services beyond mobile workouts. The more individuals Thomas assessed, the more muscle imbalance he noticed. Shoulders were hunched forward, backs were rounded, pelvis’s tilted, toes jutting outward, and knees bowing inward. This led to the study of muscular length-tension relationships and resulted in an additional certification through the National Academy of Sports Medicine.
Thomas possessed a desire to see the mindset of the general population changed. Every day, he would hear people classify themselves as victims: victims of disease, victims of genetics, victims of their upbringing, victims of a “cold and flu” season, or victims of hormonal imbalance. Thomas knew that everything happens in the body for a reason, and we can credit ourselves for the vast majority of those reasons. He wanted to see more people take personal responsibility for their health status, and determine to do something about it. It was apparent however, that people didn’t know exactly what to do or how to do it.
The business would undergo a final makeover. It would offer a vast array of home-delivered health and fitness services, as well as comprehensive and convenient programs for complete physical transformation. People would be left no excuse for falling short of their full potential. They would only have to … elect wellness.
This is about the time Thomas met Jamie, who had retired from her twelve-year career in Power Tumbling and Trampoline 12 years prior, in 1996. During her career, she competed in three World Championships, and advanced to the highest Elite level of Power Tumbling. Little did she know that her training as an Elite gymnast would continue to benefit her health and discipline in the years that would follow. Although the training during her teenage years was noticeably more difficult than her childhood training, Jamie continued to work hard and added resistance exercise to build muscle and support her performance. “My mother cooked all our meals at home, so I really had a balanced diet growing up without the negative impact of fast food.” The intense, regular exercise continued to support Jamie through her twenties, when she realized how important it is for girls to be physically active from a young age. She would coach gymnastics for 2 years before entering college.

While in college, Jamie worked as a sales representative in the circuit board design industry. It was during this time that she learned the value of good communication and exceptional customer service. She has stated, “I believe the key to growing any business is strong client support”. With this attitude and determination, Jamie brought in $12,000,000.00 in revenue for her company in one year, allowing the business to witness considerable growth while maintaining quality service and quality relationships with existing clients. Her experience in this industry taught her the importance of over-delivering products and service, and the value of the resulting referrals.
Although Jamie excelled at her job, her desire to help others manifested itself in her dream to eventually become a family counselor. After receiving a collection of CD’s on biochemistry from a mentor at her church, Jamie realized the depth of influence that diet has on the human body: physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. She decided that in her counseling years to come, she would put a strong focus on nutritional health, as a proven way to improve the wellbeing of parents and children. She also realized that the permanence of proper health choices requires a strong desire to leave the path of self-destruction and illness. Witnessing time and time again that a popular ingredient in the recipe of family struggles was health complications, she began to study the misbalance of the typical American diet, and the negative impact of the numerous artificial and toxic chemicals and preservatives.
Jamie transferred to Dallas Baptist University to complete her degree in business management, with a goal to obtain her master’s in counseling thereafter. In 2007, Jamie met Thomas and they quickly realized how closely their dreams fit together. It was truly “a match made in heaven”, and they were married in November of 2009. In 2010, Jamie joined Elect Wellness full-time as Business Development Director. She graduated Summa Cum Laude from Dallas Baptist University with her Bachelors in Business Studies in 2010. Jamie oversees the marketing, sales efforts, and manages the day-to-day operations of Elect Wellness, in addition to providing counseling, natural recipes, and health tips for clients.