214-736-9365 info@electwellness.com

Bridget of Flower Mound Uses In Home Personal Training & Nutrition Coaching to Find Life

*Note: Your results may vary, depending on the both the level of your compliance with our program and strategies, and the speed at which your unique body responds.

Tell us about yourself …

I’m Bridget, I’m originally from Chicago, Illinois, now I live in Flower Mound, Texas.

What prompted you to look for help …

At the beginning of the year I was diagnosed with low iron, a little bit overweight and unhealthy.  I actually am a six-year breast cancer survivor so I decided that I needed to do something that would be a lifestyle change and not just something that was a quick fix.

Why Elect Wellness?

Honestly, this is the only option that I could find that would give me both of those things; the nutrition part that I wanted someone that I could talk to about exactly what I needed.  It was all very complicated, I felt, and to have someone be able to sit with me and walk me through all of those pieces was really important to me as well as having someone come to me for the training.

What did you like most?

I could be totally honest without judgment which is so satisfying.  I never once felt that I should have known something.  That made me really feel like I could be very honest about what it was that I was going through or if there was anything that I was having challenges with.

What are the improvements?

First – the first time I was able to fit into that one dress that I haven’t been able to fit in since two years ago, I think I physically jumped for joy and took pictures and sent it to my trainer because I was so excited.  I also found it so rewarding that I was able to – there were a lot of exercises that I just had no idea I was able to do and my trainer was able to show me modifications and I was actually able to do these exercises, and things like running up the stairs multiple times.  At the beginning of this I would have had to sit down for the night, I would have been done.  Now I’m able to run stairs for 30 minutes.  It’s amazing what your body can do once you actually have that confidence and someone there to say no, you can do this, don’t be silly, keep going and that to me was that mental block I think I had that I was able to overcome.

First – the first time I was able to fit into that one dress that I haven’t been able to fit in since two years ago.