Insightful and Inspirational Public Speaking on Natural Health and Fitness
Does your group, club, church, team, living center, neighborhood, community, or company want to learn how to improve their quality of life? Our experienced professionals can come to your location and speak on a variety of health, fitness, nutrition, and wellness subjects. We are passionate about sharing helpful information that can transform people.

Here’s what Some of our Seminar Coordinators Have Said:
“Our club enjoyed Thomas’ speech. We found his philosophy to be fresh and fun.”
“Everyone learned a lot from Thomas’ presentation. The Living Well Committee looks forward to Thomas coming back to Robson with more interesting topics for us.”
“Tom and Jamie were great to work with for an event we hosted for a foster placement agency. The agency wanted the parents to learn more about how health and wellness could impact a lot of the behavioral problems and chemical imbalances many foster children suffer from. Tom took the time to learn what issues needed to be addressed and gave the foster parents solid advice and information to help them understand the cause and affect of what we put in our bodies to help improve the lives of the children in their care.”
“Thank your for coming to our club this week. Your presentation was awesome and very informative. I know that our Club members really enjoyed it.”
“This was so beneficial and interesting. I hope you can come back with more topics.”
Here’s what Some of our Seminar Participants Have Said:

“This thank you is long overdue but has been on my mental to-do list ever since the lunch! THANK YOU both for hosting such a lovely afternoon for your clients. The venue and food were excellent, the awards presentation and your speeches- so thoughtful and inspiring. I’m probably one of your newest clients and yet was moved to tears. I truly love seeing people pursue their passions using their God given gifts, all the while giving Him the glory. It has been a wonderful experience and I am grateful to have met you both!”
“I just wanted to say how much Tina and I enjoyed the luncheon yesterday. The success story about your client afflicted with MD was particularly riveting. Her comments and appreciation of you and her trainer were inspiring and revealing. It revealed the deep motivation for what you and your team do and why you do it. Y’all are the real deal. I feel lucky for myself and anyone associated with you and Elect Wellness. Thanks again for giving me and others the path back to better health. I wish you and your company the greatest success.”
Popular Topics Requested Include
Better with Age: How to Be Stronger Next Year, and Have Less Pain than Last Year
We are often led to believe that getting older must be accompanied by severe muscular weakness, joint roughness, instability, and a moderate to severe dose of chronic pain. But is all that REALLY necessary? Must our quality of life suffer so drastically … just because we have a few more years of experience under our belts? Or is there something we can do to prevent, minimize, or even reverse many of our seemingly age-related physical struggles? Good news: the science says there is, and many seniors are living proof that you can shatter typical expectations! What are they doing differently than the rest of us? Thomas Jensen, exercise physiologist and founder of Elect Wellness, shares the science that answers these questions during this extremely informative, hope-giving seminar. Learn how your body works, and come away with practical and powerful techniques to overcome painful problems and start living a stronger life!
With this presentation, you will learn how to:
• Avoid movement restriction, pain, and injury by recognizing and correcting common postural dysfunctions
• Build a solid foundation and “anchor point” for your limbs by strengthening the core first
• Improve general stability as well as knee function by challenging the lateral & rotational motions of hips and ankles
• Reduce chronic inflammation and minimize muscle atrophy, while increasing bone density with full-body resistance training
Change Your Mind, Change Your Body: The Psychology of Fitness Success
We all know that extrinsic motivation doesn’t last long. In takes less than 90 days for the excitement of New Year’s resolutions to disappear. In fact, if you look at the typical fitness gym’s attendance falloff, statistics imply that the external motivation provided by one’s calendar only lasts about 50 days. Long-term progress cannot rely on temporary positive emotions stirred up by outside sources. Our feelings are much too volatile. We need more solid ground to stand on if our healthy habits are going to endure the storms of life. In this seminar, Thomas Jensen, founder of Elect Wellness, shares a secret that has been tried, tested, and found to be true after more than a decade of coaching people toward their full physical potential. Furthermore, this principal applies far beyond your body. Though the focus of this talk will be your health and fitness, if you want to make vast improvements in ANY area of your life, you’ll want to come hear this lesson in lasting change. With this presentation, you will learn how to:
• Avoid movement restriction, pain, and injury by recognizing and correcting common postural dysfunctions
• Build a solid foundation and “anchor point” for your limbs by strengthening the core first • Improve general stability as well as knee function by challenging the lateral & rotational motions of hips and ankles
• Reduce chronic inflammation and minimize muscle atrophy, while increasing bone density with full-body resistance training
Your Delicate Metabolism: How Food, Stress, & Chemicals Can Make it or Break It
You’ve people blaming a slow metabolism for weight gain, and I’m sure you’ve heard folks crediting a fast metabolism for helping to keep them skinny. But perhaps you were skeptical in both situations. Is one person’s metabolism really that much faster or slower than anothers? Well, yes and no. Different people certainly process and burn foods at different rates. Genetics play a role in this. But … here’s the great news. You can influence the rate at which YOUR body processes calories! That’s right – by understanding the influences of certain foods, substances, chemicals, and combinations thereof … you can start making changes today … to influence your metabolism tomorrow. Tune into this important talk and walk our with more confidence in achieving your ideal weight.
Unnecessary Punishment: 11 Legal Food Ingredients that are Against the Law of Your Body
Chances are you thought food from a grocery store, restaurant, coffee shop, or convenience store is required to contain … well … food. Nope! Surprised? By now you probably shouldn’t be. The government has a long list of chemicals, preservatives, and mutated materials that it terms GRAS. That is defined: “generally regarded as safe.” The problem is the organization (the FDA) that says these ingredients are safe is paid when they qualify a substance for the list, not when they disqualify one. Furthermore, the companies that provide the research results to the FDA are the very companies that produced and stand to profit from the synthetic substances. Do you see any conflicts of interest here? I hope so! Let’s look at this short list, which I unfortunately had to narrow down just to make it a digestible message – unlike many of the chemicals we’re going to talk about. Independent research has not been as kind to these food impersonators. In this seminar, we’ll cover what you need to be aware of, and the steps you might want to take to avoid these health-compromising ingredients.
Little Time, Big Results: The Minimum Effective Dose of Exercise
For far too long, people have been obsessed with how MUCH exercise they can pack into a day or a week. Now … while quantity of exercise is certainly a positive a goal, I’m going to tell you that there is a more important factor – especially if you are over the age of 35. That factor is the QUALITY of your exercise. You see, not only to you have less time to invest in exercise as you get older, you have less room for mistakes. Indeed, the combination of a busy schedule and the smallest of injuries resulting from imbalance of focus can cause your exercise to go from super-consistent to nonexistent. In this talk, we’ll cover how to get the MOST bang for your “bucks” of time and effort = minimizing risk while also maximizing results.
Type II Diabetes: Disease Progression, Prevention, and Reversal
Its one of the most prevalent and fastest growing conditions in the world – type 2 diabetes. But what it is, why does it happen, and what can do about it? During this invaluable and potentially life-saving seminar, you’ll:
– Truly understand the disease process and progression of type II diabetes
– Discover the balance of nutrients that will revive your insulin receptors to enhance their acceptance of sugar
– Tap into the power of meal timing to keep your blood sugar stable and energy high
– Learn how to challenge your muscles in order to increase their demand for glucose
– Meet your 2 best friends in the battle for stable blood sugar and insulin receptor response
– Uncover the habits that you can implement to rid yourself from fear of disease complications
The Weekly Weight Balance Equation: 10 Ways to See Positive Change on the Scale
We know that our weight is very important to our health. Because of this common
knowledge, many people stand on the scale every week, if not every day. But the
numbers they see often don’t reflect any progress. Instead of being a motivational
checkpoint, the scale turns into a source of confusion and frustration. So what are all
the components that comprise weight loss, or even weight gain? In this presentation, we dive into the details, and uncover everything at work within our bodies to make us either heavier or lighter.
All About Supplements: the Good, the Bad, the Worthless, and the Dangerous
Having spent over a decade in the supplement industry, I can tell you that not all bottles of pills are created equal. They aren’t all they are often cracked up to be. But they aren’t all bad either. In fact, many of the natural substances are fantastic for you. Yet others could potentially put you in the hospital. How do you konw the difference? You cannot afford to take a one-size-fits-all approach to your supplementation. You need to know what you’re taking, what it does, and why you will benefit from it. If you don’t learn the science behind supplementation, you’ll throwing your money at away … or worse, your health. That said, if you know what you are doing, you can help yourself feel and perform better while helping to protect yourself from deficiences, illness, or pain.
True Wellness: What the Bible Tells Us About Health, Fitness, & Nutrition
Gain an understanding of how to increase strength, energy and longevity based on Biblical principles. This seminar will help participants apply practical fitness and nutrition practices so they may lead healthy, strong, lives of service to God and others.
- Genesis: everything we need was created by God
- Wellness wisdom as taught by God to his people
- The Daniel test: God’s nutrition vs the world’s
- Invaluable biblical statements for understanding health
There’s more in the scriptures that is directly applicable to one’s health and fitness than many have ever realized. Strengthen both your faith and your fitness with this empowering insight.
True Wellness: What the Bible Tells Us About Health, Fitness, & Nutrition
Gain an understanding of how to increase strength, energy and longevity based on Biblical principles. This seminar will help participants apply practical fitness and nutrition practices so they may lead healthy, strong, lives of service to God and others.
- Genesis: everything we need was created by God
- Wellness wisdom as taught by God to his people
- The Daniel test: God’s nutrition vs the world’s
- Invaluable biblical statements for understanding health
There’s more in the scriptures that is directly applicable to one’s health and fitness than many have ever realized. Strengthen both your faith and your fitness with this empowering insight.
Secrets of Natural Health and Fitness: Revealing the Strategies of Our Most Successful Clients
Ever thumb through all our testimonies and videos and wonder what science those clients are leveraging, what strategies they are learning, and what skills they are developing? Simple – they are working with us! Well, the truth is – throwing money at Elect Wellness is not an automatic guarantee of health and fitness succes. (but it may be about as close as you can get!) These clients have to participate in the process. They have to be willing to learn, be willing to apply, and be willing to be held accountable. But … to what? That’s the secret you’ll find out in this game-changing, secret-sauce-revealing seminar.

More Anonymous Feedback from Other Seminar Attendees
“I really enjoyed the seminar, as health and fitness are passions of mine.”
“I like that it’s educational and not a sales pitch. I appreciate the information given and the testimonials make it real.”
“Receiving a “Find Life” award was a complete surprise and your kind words were overwhelming. While it seemed like only a short time ago we begin this journey hearing your story today reminds me that it has been a long road. I realized that by taking it one day at a time I now have a new life. There were many powerful stories today I know you all must feel great joy in your accomplishments in people’s lives. Thank you again for today and all the days the past year. It is wonderful to be part of this special community.”
“The most … analogy is perfect. Practice good health decisions most of the time. That’s all you need to do to be healthy. It’s not an all or nothing like many think or perceive.”
“I thought it was well done with lots of good info for everyone to take away.“
Speaking Engagements Start at $5,000
Total Investment dependent upon your location and desired length of speaking engagement. Engagement must be booked a minimum of 30 days prior to event.