214-736-9365 [email protected]

Yep, you heard me right. And this isn’t some scam, supplement, or quickly-reverting quick cleanse.

This is pure food science. Be warned, there is math ahead, but it’s nothing anyone who wants to lose weight can’t keep up with and fully understand.

Have you heard of TEF? Well it stands for “thermic effect of food.” You see, each macronutrient (protein, carb, fat) you eat burns a certain % of the calories it contains during the very digestion process. Here are the digestion burn rates:

Thermic Effect of Food

Protein – 30%
Carb – 15%
Fat – 3%

Ok, so who cares? Well, let’s assume we have a 150 lb woman who doesn’t exercise and happens to average about 1500 calories per day.

This is the typical breakdown we see while looking at how prospects have been eating:

50% carbs = 750 cals
40% fat = 600 cals
10% protein = 150 cals

So how many calories is this person’s body burning per day,  in simple response to food? Doing the math with the aforementioned burn rates, we arrive at:

50% carbs = 750 x .15 = 112.5
40% fat = 600 x .03 = 18
10% protein = 150 x .3 = 45

175.5 calories burned per day just because she ate … due to the T.E.F.

Now, here’s how she loses 9.5 lbs in 1 year without exercising, and without changing her calorie level:

She eats the same 1500 calories, but now … she eats 35% protein, 45% carbs, & 20% fat. These are much more “thermogenic” ratios. Doing the math again with the aforementioned burn rates:

45% carbs = 675 x .15= 101.25
20% fat = 300 x .03 = 9
35% protein = 525 x .3 = 157.5

We arrive at 267.75 Calories burned due to the T.E.F. of the differently balanced diet.

So how many more calories per day does she burn, simply by changing her macronutrient ratios?  267.75 – 175.5 = 92.25.

Doesn’t sound like much, but that’s about how much you’d burn by walking an hour every day. Set a goal of walking an hour every day for a year, and you’d be doing well if you hit 200 days.  But I bet that you will EAT 365 days next year. And if you use this strategy, you’ll accumulate a 33,671 calorie deficit. Remember that a pound of fat is 3500 calories. Do some math yet again: 33,671/3500 = 9.6 lbs in in one year without exercise and without cutting calories. (there’s a bonus 10th of a pound for you!)

Speaking of bonus pounds, here’s one more thing to consider.

Fiber can’t get stored as fat, like other carbs can. Therefore, if you increased your fiber intake in the carb category by 5g per day, that saves you an additional 20 calories per day of “energy in.” That’s a 7300 calorie deficit per year, and another 2.1 pounds off your frame.

So there’s 11.7 pounds lost and we haven’t even cut calories or exercised yet. Imagine what you could do if you had someone holding you accountable to implementing all the scientific strategies of healthy weight loss … including but not limited to working out in the comfort and convenience of your own home.

If you live in the Dallas area, let us show you the way to better health & fitness in our three no-cost, no-obligation sample sessions, including a comprehensive biometric assessment, a sample training session, and a nutrition strategy consultation. We want to help you …

Note: Your ultimate results depend on the both the level of your compliance with our program and strategies, and the speed at which your unique body responds.