1. A pig will eat anything: urine, feces, decaying flesh, maggots, and even the cancerous growths off other pigs. Their meat does not go unaffected. A cow, on the other hand, eats a vegetarian diet of mainly grass.
2. Pigs have but one stomach to digest their food, and subsequently absorb the toxins in their foul diet in about 4 hours. A cow actually has 4 stomachs to process & cleanse their food, helping to further filter their already cleaner diet over a much longer digestion period.
3. Pigs have more “bio-similarity” to humans than do cows. Hence, pig organs are less likely to be rejected by the human immune system, compared to organs from other animals. Though an advantage in surgical organ transplantation, this becomes a a big disadvantage when you consider the easy transfer of pork pathogens to humans.
4. Bacteria which becomes resistant to the antibiotics given to pigs is being passed back to humans. For example, Staphylococcus Aureus became resistant to tetracyclines and methicillins given to pigs. Now, ST398, a antibiotic-resistant strain of the infection, can now be found in humans. This trend will likely and dangerously continue.
5. Pigs carry over 30 diseases and 12 parasites, many of which are easily transferred to humans. Of particular note is the trichinae worm, which can instigate trichinosis in humans and all the resulting digestive disorders, gall bladder complications, rheumatism challenges, meningitis, and even multiple sclerosis symptoms.
6. Pork has about twice the saturated fat as beef, packing on the calories, crowding out important nutrients from other healthy foods, and contributing to sludgy blood and increased cardiovascular risk.
7. Consumption of fresh pork can cause not only deadly disease, but also a variety of acute reactions including inflammation of the appendix, gall bladder, stomach, & intestines. It can also quickly cause eczema, carbuncles, & abscesses. Cooking helps, but whether or not there is a “safe temperature” to kill ALL the various bacteria & viruses in pork is still being debated.
Bonus “Fun” Facts:
- In ancient times, pigs were used as a sewer, kept just outside the city, and thrown all the human waste – which they would happily consume.
- The eating of pork happens to be forbidden in both Judaism and Islam, because pigs do not “chew the cud.” Interestingly, thousands of years later, we would learn that this is a common process of digestion in vegetarian and “kosher” animals, which also helps to prevent toxin absorption into their blood.
- A National Institute of Health report, published in 1943, found 16.2% of the U.S. population of pigs to be infected with the trichinella. Incidence is fortunately lower today, but unfortunately primarily due to a vast array of drugs given to the pigs, a practice which we know has it’s own negatives.
- Around A.D. 1348, the “Black Death” (bubonic plague) killed at least 25 million people. Jews were not affected nearly as much as other people groups. This observation contributed to many people literally blaming the Jews for for poisoning them, while no doubt the simple sanitary laws that God prescribed for his people, including the avoidance of unclean meats, contributed to their much lower contraction rate of the disease.
- Most people would never eat a dog, a vulture, a hyena, a rat, a raccoon, a horse, or other traditionally unclean meats; yet we readily consume pork because of the economic gain, and subsequent availability & constant marketing.
- Pork will unfortunately continue to be pushed by the industry, and backed by the government – because it is such a money maker. And most people will continue to consume it, and blow off both biological science and the warnings against it that have been uttered for thousands and thousands of years.