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market vegetables
Many of us know an individual fighting cancer, whether they be family, friend, or acquaintance. We have actually been blessed to have the opportunity to work with a few at Elect Wellness, and are constantly inspired by their dedication to maintaining the best possible quality of life.
One client requested a list of cancer fighting foods recently, so I thought I would share this brief list with everyone. There is certainly a lot to cover and discuss on this topic, but this short list of specific foods will give you some practical and immediate tools, both for prevention and continuing the fight.
1) Grapefruit– A great source of vitamin C, a wonderful antioxidant, all of which are involved in protecting the integrity of our body’s cells. Diets high in vitamin C have been linked to a reduced risk of cancers in the gastrointestinal tract. Other great vitamin C foods include oranges, bell peppers and broccoli.
2) Nuts and Seeds: A great source of vitamin E, another antioxidant. Diets high in vitamin E may help reduce the risk of stomach, colon, lung, and liver cancers. Peanuts, almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds and nut butters are great sources of vitamin E.
3) Sweet potato: Packed with yet another antioxidant, beta-carotene. Sweet potato is also a great source of carbohydrate and fiber (a nutrient that helps remove carcinogens from your intestines). Other foods high in beta-carotene include orange veggies and leafy greens ( spinach & kale).
4) Wild salmon: A non-dairy food rich in vitamin D. Researches have noted the importance of adequate dietary vitamin D in helping to stop the development and proliferation of the blood vessels that feed growing tumors and cancerous cells.  Milk, yogurt, and cheese are other good sources of vitamin D as well as multivitamins and cholecalciferol D3 supplements.
5) Ground flaxseed: The high Omega-3 content of this food reduces inflammation in the body which reduces the possibility of cellular mutation. Omega-3 fats are also found in nuts and seeds. They also play a role in stabilizing blood sugar levels and lowering triglycerides.
6) Fibrous Whole Foods: A diet high in fiber has many benefits, one being the possible reduction in risk of colon cancer. High fiber content can increase gastrointestinal transit time to reduce the time carcinogens spend in the colon. Whole grain/wheat products, fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, and beans are great sources of fiber.

7) Tumeric: Circumin, the active ingredient within this powerful anti-inflammatory spice, has been shown to inhibit many varieties of cancer cells in the lab. It has shown some promise in human studies as well, specifically for protection of the many different organs involved in digestion and elimination.