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pound of fat

That’s right. Americans purchase 600 million pounds of candy every year for Halloween! Insulin surges, acid-worn teeth, food-dye poisoned bodies, you name it – in close keeping with all the decorative skeletons, it’s quite the celebration of deterioration. Furthermore, keeping candy around the house for Halloween trick-or-treaters can be a big burden to your waist line. The “fun-sized” candy packs, with 100 calories and 3.5g of fat packed into each small piece of food, contribute to a belly that’s anything but “fun size.”  (unless of course you are one of those on youtube who enjoy making your stomach talk and sing) Just five of these a day on top of your normal caloric intake and you have gained 1 pound of pure fat in a week. See the picture on the right for a scary visual representation:

But you say … “I would never eat 5 in 1 day!”   We all hope that’s true, but be sure to save your wrappers in a pile on the counter. You may be surprised by how quickly and easily these convenient snacks get consumed. The pile of wrappers can be a good reminder and deterrent.

Here are some more strategies for a healthier Halloween:
  • Wait until the last minute to buy candy so it doesn’t pile up in your home.
  • Give away ALL the candy. I can’t stress how important this is! If it looks like you will have some left over, make the day of the next few kids and dump it all on them. (don’t worry, the earlier kids won’t know how “unfair” you’ve been)
  • Eat before trick-or-treating begins. If you eat a healthy, filling meal before passing out candy at home, you may be less likely to snack on the candy in front of you.
  • Don’t buy tempting candy. If you are going to have treats at home to pass out, purchase items that don’t appeal to you so you aren’t tempted to eat them.
  • This one’s for the kids: buy stuff with REAL ingredients. (don’t take part in passing out chemical poisons to little children)
  • Pass out non-food items. Consider small toys (bouncy balls and silly putty), temporary tattoos, and even toothbrushes for kids.
  • Look for mini candy options- they are even smaller than the fun size.
Look at the difference in mini-sized candy versus fun-size:
– 3 Musketeers:
Mini 24 calories,
Fun-size: 70 calories
– Butterfinger:
Mini 45 calories,
Fun-size: 100 calories
– Hershey’s Milk Chocolate Bar:
Mini 42 calories,
Fun size: 95 calories
– Kit Kat Bar:
Mini 42 calories,
Fun-size: 80 calories
– Snickers:
Mini 45 calories,
Fun-size: 95 calories
In a world where Halloween is synonymous with candy overload, taking steps toward a healthier Halloween can keep the festivities fun without sacrificing wellness. Swapping out candy mountains for balanced moderation, non-food treats, and mindful purchasing helps not only protect your health but also set a positive example for kids. Making small changes today means avoiding haunting health issues down the line.